العسل الملكى له ولها و قهوة فايتو اندرو له
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العسل الملكى له ولها و قهوة فايتو اندرو له
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاتة
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العسل الملكى له ولها و قهوة فايتو اندرو له

العسل الملكى له ولها و قهوة فايتو اندرو له
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»  العسل الملكى له
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عدد المساهمات : 32
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/05/2011

مُساهمةموضوع: HABAT ELBARAKA   HABAT ELBARAKA Emptyالجمعة ديسمبر 30, 2011 1:56 pm

HABAT ELBARAKA Habtelbarka002


Plant Nigella sativa (black seed) herbal plant going around attributed to the Prophet peace be upon him and called a pond. The medical part of the plant is black seed, a small size and its aromatic smell and taste as well as a medical part of the plant.Called the black bean (Bcuyenz) in Iran and (Nigella sativa) in Egypt and (black cumin) in Yemen and Ballatyna (pipe). It benefits many great benefits, and this was confirmed to us proof of the Messengers and the doctor Perplexed peace be upon him.

Our Lady said Aa'ishah heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says: "This pill is a cure for every disease but toxic," I said and what toxic said: death. "Bukhari. The whole jurists as many benefits and this is confirmed by the Prophet Muhammad upon him to say (a cure for every disease), and the significance of this emphasis in the word cure, did not say peace be upon him treatment.

Components of the black bean

Black bean consists of elements of effective good flavor of the wonderful benefits of phosphate, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates and oils, as containing antibiotics destructive viruses and below of the microbes and bacteria. Beta carotene and anti-cancer and sex hormones by the strong and fertilized and activated and there are diuretics of Paul.

Medical benefits of Black Seed

Black bean and many benefits are great benefits greatly benefit in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, particularly colon and chest infections. Black bean paste and honey crumble kidney stones and pay there are bladder ... It is also used as a diuretic and milk breastfeeding and menstruation. It was noted that the effect of a grain of black strong anthelmintic bar. The cooked black bean removes the pain sharp teeth and excruciating Kamadamadh If used, the powder with vinegar experienced in the treatment of leprosy and vitiligo if plating it. The Ibn Sina and other doctors lively black bean in the treatment of many of the structures treated with drugs.

The black seed oil is used against cough, cough, chest diseases by adding 3 to 5 drops of this oil on tea or coffee. The oil, cumin and intestinal dwelling repelling gas and used for the treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis of the severity of the cold. Nigella sativa are used in the treatment of many diseases such as headaches, insomnia, dizziness, ear pain, as well as hair loss and favus and alopecia. It is one of the greatest laxatives to give birth if boiled and mixed with honey and boiled chamomile, which is great interest Kdsh vaginal. Also useful in the treatment of skin diseases and Altaleil and vitiligo and leprosy.

It uses black bean paste with olive oil for the evacuation of
And clarity of the face. Also useful in the treatment of black bean, diarrhea, renal colic, gas, cramps, as well as acidity. It also deals with eye diseases and amoebas, bilharzia and anthelminthic. And treatment of erectile dysfunction by taking ground black seed as much as a spoon and hit the eggs in seven days after the day for about a month. For the weak-General and the appetite and to treat apathy and laziness, is also used to activate the speed of mental and conservation. If we reviewed the use of black bean fields in the treatment of what we could and not what we have mentioned only a small fraction of the black areas of the grain in the treatment.

Medicinal product is from hadith

According to reports from Canada that a Muslim doctors have invented a new medical formulations, called "Koinger," a combination of cumin and garlic. It was reported that this drug invented by Dr. surgeon (Ahmad Qadi) has proven effective in healing the human body cells and strengthen the immune system. Until recently, no Western civilization and its technology, know nothing about the black plant, known as "black cumin" But the Muslims knew this plant and make sure to have the benefits of a modern messenger of Allah peace be upon him.

Black bean to strengthen the immune system

Newspaper "Days" Bahraini issue No. (2592), issued in April 1996 under the title "black bean to strengthen the immune system," says that some research centers in America recently discovered that the black seed (Nigella sativa) serve to strengthen the immune system of the body. Therefore, it decided to introduce Nigella sativa oil in many of the drugs used to treat immune diseases and cancer. The doctors said (Abdullah Balbchri, Azzedine Aldnchaoa, Fatima or Lin) in their book "Food and Community Health": "The studies, past and present was carried out by scientists in Egypt and the Arab states and Western countries that the black bean useful in the treatment of many diseases. We recall, for example: heart disease, blood circulation and high blood pressure, excessive cholesterol, diabetes and nephritis and hepatitis. also useful in the treatment of asthma, ulcers, headaches, insomnia, skin diseases, eye diseases and ear. and studies have shown also that the black bean useful in the treatment of diseases of cancer. "

And adds three doctors: "As the low efficiency of the immune system the body of the most important causes of cancer has scientists noted that the effect of black seed in the treatment of cancer because it helps in raising the efficiency of immune system and believe that the recent discoveries made in America and showed the effectiveness of the pill black in strengthening the body's immune system and cancer treatment will open up new horizons in the treatment of other diseases affecting humans following the low efficiency of the immune system such as AIDS (the HIV) disease and rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes. as indicated by recent studies that the most important causes of HIV destruction cells that produce insulin in the pancreas and in the case to overcome this defect by using drugs or nutrients effective, it is possible to address the diabetes treatment so radically and the patient recovers fully from the disease. "

A final word

The common use of black cumin in the treatment of many diseases in the form of grain or oil is full. But we like to point out that the simple effect to the extent that it does not benefit patients with advanced cases of chronic hepatitis, may also have some side effects which many patients complain that black cumin can cause them heartburn and stomach pain. We should point out the need not to rush behind the new grass in the field so as to ensure the effectiveness of specialists


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